HaShem has been doing some amazing things in my life. I've found some wonderful teachings. Rabbi Akiva Tatz is an awesome teacher. I don't know much about his background, but he has such a depth of knowledge, I'm fascinated by his insight. http://youtu.be/S8SnnXjp7Y4 This isn't the best video quality, but if you just listen to it, as I did, you will be fascinated by what he has to say.
I have such a hyper sensitivity right now. To what I hear and to what I see... I think it should be this way always. I am not interested in fiction or listening to silly stories on tape. I want only the truth.
This is a cool video about kosher animals. It's taped at the Jerusalem Zoo.
Rabbi Twerski is a great counselor. http://youtu.be/hdj9MBZBLGU