Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back to the beginning

I want my children to have a better understanding of Kashrus (Yiddish for the laws of Kosher). So I've decided to color code my kitchen for educational purposes.

I am also simplifying our life so that we can focus on improving our lives. I want us to focus more on Torah and HaShem.

I have been learning so many things from Rabbi Ashlag. Sin is a very pagan concept. Measure for Measure is a true concept. We are never separate from our Creator. Our connection is just limited by our choices. Our Creator gives to us in order for us to return the favor. Our will to receive for self alone is what keeps us from fulfilling our purpose. We need to change our perception to receive in order to bestow. If we are given a gift for no reason, this doesn't mean as much as when we earn something. If our very breath has been given to us by the Creator and that breath is a part of Him, how can we be sinners? How can we be evil and wretched when we are His Children? We have been given choices and it is our job to make choices that will change the mundane to holy.

When we choose to evaluate our lives and change the poor decisions we make into good decisions, we will be that much closer to our Tikkun.

I'm excited about the challenge to bring the mundane to holy.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


14 Sivan 5771, I did it! I am so happy. Another wish come true. I have closed one chapter and opened another. I wish I could shout it from the mountain top. It was a truly wonderful experience. Baruch HaShem!