In the book of Ruth, we learn that Ruth married and became a widow and embraced Torah and all this in the first chapter. She left her family behind. When Orpah was scared of the journey and then decided that her situation at home is better than what she faced in Israel, she went home. She was able to go back her way of life and forget the heartache. Ruth however, seemed to know what was to come. Either that or didn't care. She simply wanted the life that Naomi lived. This book speaks loudly of Naomi's honor. Even though she isn't mentioned in detail nor does this writing delve into Naomi's lifestyle, but she did something right. She ate, slept and breathed holiness. Ruth was attracted like a magnet to this holiness. She wanted a part of it.
No matter what that meant.
The Israelites said, We will DO and we will Hear. This has been interpreted to mean that regardless of what was expected of them, they would give their word before they knew what they were expected to do. No matter what God says, I will do it.
I can relate to this story. I can't really put into words how amazing it is to be a part of a living Torah community. It may not be perfect, we may make mistakes, but we all have one thing in our focus: Living by the light of Torah and pleasing God. It's not easy. It's not popular. Obeying God isn't fun. It's right.
I try and remember the challenges that Ruth went through whenever I feel overwhelmed.
16. And Ruth said, "Do not entreat me to leave you, to return from following you, for wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people and your God my God.